Juliana's Animal Sanctuary

Equality for all beings

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About Us


Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary opened its doors in 2005.

JAS has rescued more than 3000 animals in the last 18 years, giving them veterinary care, shelter, the best food, and respect.

The mission of JAS is that people understand through the animals that we rescue the concept and the true goal of veganism, a world where animals are respected and are not used in any way. We are aware that we cannot rescue all the animals in the world, but the few that come here have a very big mission and that is to show reality to those who are unaware of it.

We are more than a rescue center, we are an educational center, that is why tours, cooking classes, educational workshops, school visits, and more are the most important part of our mission.

Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary is the first sanctuary in Colombia for animals that are considered food.

We are the first sanctuary established in South America and are currently the only one in Colombia. We are fully verified by the Global Federation of animal Sanctuaries.

We have also established strong educational programs, including vegan cooking workshops, vegan comics, vegan food relief and strong social media activism.

From a 5-year-old girl's dream to a safe haven for animals

Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary was founded in 2006 in Colombia. However, the project has its roots in Juliana’s initial desire to save all the world’s animals when she learned about the suffering of animals as a 5-year old girl.

When Juliana was 5 years old she decided to stop eating meat when she found out that hamburgers were not born in trees, that burgers were cruelly murdered animals. From that day Juliana felt the need to help those innocent victims: The Animals. And so it was that at this young age she rescued dogs from the street, took them to the apartment where she lived with her parents and took care of them until she found them a home. When she was 11 years old, her school teacher asked her what she wanted to do in her adulthood. Juliana without hesitation said, "I will buy a very big place to save all the animals!" But Juliana is a person of action rather than words. At age 11, she started saving money selling things at school so she could buy a large piece of land and begin her dream, and she did! It was the first sanctuary for animals in the country of Colombia, and at that time was the only one in all of South America. Since then she has been working hard for the last 15 years with her team. In pursuing her dream, Juliana faced numerous challenges, including a public that did not even understand the meaning of a sanctuary, legal battles for her land, lack of funds, and overwhelming demand of animals in need.

The years have passed, and Juliana and her team have rescued more than 3000 animals of all kinds. The sanctuary has grown and has become an organization that not only rescues animals but has strong educational programs to change the way people see animals. Juliana has managed to take the sanctuary to an international level so that everyone knows the situation of the animals in South America and is aware that these animals need help, too. Juliana's Animal Sanctuary has since become a non-profit entity registered in the United States.

Juliana still devotes her life to the sanctuary, where she lives with some volunteers, interns and staff, rescuing and taking care of the animals, giving talks on a national and international level, and bringing the reality of animals that are used as food to schools and other entities. Juliana will not rest until everyone knows the reality that the animals used for food go through, and she continues to teach respect for all beings to all the human hearts she encounters.
Juliana is not not only the president and founder of Juliana's animal sanctuary, Juliana is also the vice president of Food For Life Global, the world's largest vegan food relief and the Affiliate Manager, Juliana has two degrees in physical sciences and is the director of the organization Astromomy Beyond borders which focuses on giving free scientific education to to underprivileged children in South America.

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